Apr 30, 2012

[VIDEO] Dancing Manato

konbanwaaaa .... 

I'm here now, and want to share a new video I've been upload on my channel

this is abou young man who skilled in dancing ... his name's Manato

I can't describe who is he exactly cuz it has a something I can't tell you 
Just, he was an extraordinary actor in Japan 

here watch this video

nah, what do think about his dancing skill? isn't that an awesome one?? Photobucket

Apr 23, 2012

My MidTerm Schedule

Mid Term coming to FSM ... !! Photobucket

hurry hurry ... Seems, I have to prepare my notebook to be done, my assignment, and my brain of course hahaha

anyway, it's like preparing for a long journey to somewhere that I won't going to back again 

the Mid Term will hold 2 weeks

and how will I supposed to face ??

Apr 17, 2012

My Short Story

hi there ,,,

long time no see in my blog ... 
I'm kinda miss you to share about whatever I want to write here ...

so let's move on on the subject this time

Long ago I had made a short story to spent my free time and actually when I print it out and gave it to my upper-class friend of mine , she said it was a nice story although it was just a short story 

but I'm so sorry for my friends who lives in another country, I can't translate it yet into English. This story's just on Bahasa
You don't have to worry about it, you can use Google Translate to translate it into your language

here my story goes