May 29, 2012

Khatam Qur'an

aaaahhhh I'm so happy I'm so happy *jumping jumping

do you know why??

 ehm ehm

 nah I'll tell you why I'm so happy today,

actually this evening I finish reading my Qur'an you know, after a long time through IT
and now I can finally finish it Photobucket
- as moslem we often say it KHATAM -

 Qur'an contains 30 Juz and 114 chapter (surah)
but I can finish it !! Altough it spent some times to finish it hahahaha

 You know, that was my first time KHATAM Qur'an

 waaaaahhh I'm so happy
It means that when the Fasting Month comes I'll try to finish it within those 30 juz in 30 days (a month)

 I feel so confident right hehehe
but I think I have to make it since I've KHATAM once and I want to try it out again some more Photobucket

May 26, 2012

[VIDEO] XIA Tarantallegra MV + Lyrics

XIA Tarantallegra MV

김준수 첫 솔로 정규 앨범 타이틀곡 타란탈레그라!
춤을 추게 하는 마법의 주문인 '타란탈레그라(TARANTALLEGRA)'는 XIA 1st의 타이틀곡으로 센세이션 댄스곡이다. XIA가 직접 작,편곡 하였으며 JUNO가 작사한 곡으로 강렬한 비트와 다양한 사운드를 느낄 수 있다. Flowsik의 랩 피쳐링과 크리스티나 아길레나의 안무팀 제리 슬로터(Jeri Slaughter)와의 co-work으로 더욱 화려해진 타란탈레그라(TARANTALLEGRA)! 자 이제 XIA 의 마법에 주문에 빠져들어보자!
XIA Junsu's First Album's Title TARANTALLEGRA!
TARANTALLEGRA is the magic spell that causes uncontrollable dance and it is the sensational title song of XIA's First solo album. XIA composed and arranged the song and JUNO wrote the lyrics. You could feel the strong beat and various sound. The song becomes more fabulous by the rap featured by Flowsik and choreography from Jeri Slaughter and his team who worked with Christina Aguilera, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey. Now, it is time to fall in XIA's spell!

May 25, 2012

Mommy's 50th BirthDay

waaahhh actually I coud forget today 25th, but when I woke up in the morning my daddy ask me 
"Have u say a Happy Birthday to your mommy?" 
just like that
and ouch , I really could miss this day

and here, I going home when my mother called me to come back hahhaa
celebrating her birthday she said

so this are some photos I took when I celebrate it with my family
but sadly it's rather blur on some picts 

May 24, 2012

Software Project's Poster and Logo - Finish

I already spent my half day to make this poster for my Software Project 
 this is one of the most ... most ... and most tiring works I ever had for my college's assignment

but with my friends's help - Riska and Sella - I can finish it today

I don't know if this true

but I've try my best to make it


May 23, 2012

Dreaming 'bout Kim Hyun Joong and Jae Joong

I don't know why but when I sleeping I get a beautiful dream
such as ... 

dreaming about Hyun Joong and Jae Joong

and I don't know either why they came up in my dream although I don't think about them before
-Some people said that if you keep in mind of somebody he will remain or pop up in your dream-
neither I read or listening their song 
THEY came up in my dream 
such a beautiful dream I thought

May 20, 2012

10 Explanations for The Bermuda Triangle: Facts or Myth?

The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most famous, or infamous areas know to man around the world. This place is home to numerous theories and legends that surround its depths. There have been over a dozen famous incidences attributed to the triangle, many resulting in death and repots of ghost ships frequent the area. There is no place on earth quite like the phenomenon known as the Bermuda Triangle.
According to many the Bermuda Triangle is an area just off the coast of Florida that many strange and amazing phenomena have taken place, however the exact location of the triangle can be disputed. Some even say the formation of the area in which ships disappear and water erupts freakily is not even a triangle at all but rather a square, a trapezoid, a parallelogram, or a variety of other shapes. Popular theory however places the boundaries of the triangle a three specific places on a map. One point in South Florida, one on the small island of Bermuda and one on the island of Puerto Rico.

This area, the fabled Bermuda Triangle has spawned many myths and legends surrounding its waters. Tails of aliens, ghost ships and disappearances are among the most common stories to come from the region. Another common story to come from the area is that of equipment failure, compass disruption, and lost time, but could there be possible explanations for all of these events? Well some events in nature can indeed attribute to these events.

Here's the top 10 Explanations for The Bermuda Triangle:

May 17, 2012

[INFO] Ternyata, Pakai Sendal itu Berbahaya - Memakai sendal jepit memang dipilih sebagian orang karena kepraktisannya. Sayangnya, para ahli menyimpulkan bahwa memakai sendal jepit dalam jangka panjang amat berisiko bagi kesehatan.
Sendal jepit dianggap berbahaya karena jari kaki tidak bisa terangkat dengan rileks, dan ini mengarah pada perubahan tekanan lebih besar pada pergelangan kaki dan tekanan vertikal yang lebih kecil di tumit.

Kerusakan pada kaki yang mengenakan sendal jepit lebih serius daripada sepatu hak tinggi. Para ahli memperingatkan bahwa sendal jepit dapat mengubah cara berjalan seseorang, sehingga ketika mengambil langkah, mereka memberikan tekanan pada bagian luar kakinya daripada tumitnya. Pada akhirnya menyebabkan kerusakan jangka panjang.
Sendal jepit kurang memberikan dukungan pada telapak kaki, sehingga dapat menyebabkan rasa sakit dan lengkungan tendon. Selain itu, ada juga risiko cidera serius dari tersandung.

Tak hanya itu, sebuah hasil tes juga menunjukkan bahwa sendal jepit merupakan sarang kuman. Sendal yang dipakai selama empat hari berturut-turut akan menjadi menjadi rumah bagi bakteri mematikan, seperti staphylococcus aureus, yang bersembunyi di karet sendal.

Jika Anda memiliki luka di sekitar kaki, maka bakteri bisa memasuki aliran darah. Bila tak segera ditangani, maka bisa menyebabkan kematian.

"Bakteri staphylococcus aureus dapat membuat sakit Anda cukup berat jika bakteri tersebut masuk kedalam luka dan ke dalam aliran darah Anda, dimana bakteri bisa menyerang organ internal Anda yang manapun. Jika Anda tidak mengobatinya dengan antibiotik, nyawa Anda akan terancam," papar ata Dennis Kinney, Ph.D., manajer laboratorium mikrobiologi di EMSL Analytical.

Source : Yahoo

[INFO] Wah, Ternyata Mengunyah Permen Karet Dapat Merusak Memori Jangka Pendek! - Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya telah menunjukkan bahwa permen karet bisa meningkatkan kemampuan otak dalam hal memori. Namun, penelitian terbaru justru mengatakan hal sebaliknya.

Temuan yang dipublikasikan dalam Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology menunjukkan bahwa mengunyah permen karet dapat merusak memori jangka pendek.

[INFO] Pemicu Makan Terlalu Banyak

Oleh Rachael Anne Hill

Resep untuk bertambah gemuk sebenarnya sederhana. Jika kita mengonsumsi kalori lebih banyak dari yang dibutuhkan, kita akan bertambah gemuk. Tetapi, apa sebenarnya yang memicu kita makan terlalu banyak?

Terdapat bertumpuk alasan, mulai dari rasa bosan dan kesepian yang menyebabkan stres, kepercayaan diri yang rendah dan kebiasaan buruk. Selain itu, terdapat pula beberapa pemicu makan terlalu banyak yang belum banyak diketahui orang. Antara lain:

[VIDEO] Fans Screaming HOMIN's names when JYJ's interview

Oh! I found this video when I browsing on Youtube

this video was about JYJ when they're interviewed with MC on their concert

The Fans a.k.a Cassiopeia screaming Changmin's and Yunho's name when they interviewed and it caused a lot of commotion there
even Jejung panicked how he can answered those screams of fans (see how's he react towards fans's scream)
and Yoochun at his left side give him a little joke with those reacts

May 9, 2012

Surprised !!!

waaaaaa  Photobucket

I'm so surprised !!

do you knw why??!!!

here let me explain it to you ... 

ehem .. ehem ....