Feb 19, 2012

Dreaming 'bout JYJ

yeeeeyyyy ,,, this time I had a beautiful dream in my bad mood hahaha

so let's the story goes

In the school dorm I live with many dorm student actually it's a male dorm I think  Photobucket
hehehhe it made me live in the beautiful cage hahahaha

and I have a duty , guess what a duty I should do in the male dorm??!!
yep yep yep ... My duty is to wake JYJ up in the morning to go to school, 'cause they are so lazy to wake by their-self

aaahhh it's like a slave job rather than a dorm student duty Photobucket

but but but ,,, I think it's cool
I just have a one duty to do, just to wake JYJ up in the morning. That's all Photobucket

Feb 16, 2012

Happy Valentines Day from JYJ

JYJ - Happy Valentines Day

credit : CJESJYJ

JYJ_Private Project

JYJ_Private Project_Come on Over_Teaser

credit : CJESJYJ

CJES Family Share Happiness_A Peaceful day

This video was from CJESJYJ official Youtube Channel

CJES Family Share Happiness_A Peaceful day

CJESJYJ Channel Youtube

it so surprised me and also made me happy

you know what?! I finally found JYJ official youtube channel hehehehe

It seems it take so long since their debut last year to open their official channel on Youtube

but, never mind because now I can see their activities trough their channel

CJESJYJ Youtube Channel Official Grand Opening by JYJ

and guess what I've found when I open their channel ... 

You must be surprised too, they joined Youtube on their (TVXQ) 8th Anniversary


I love You opppaaaaaaa

Always Keep The Faith

Feb 15, 2012

The Meaning of Ring on Our Fingers

related to the last post I posted about Ring, now I come up with the meaning of ring on our finger

Symbolism, Significance and Meaning of Rings on the Five Fingers

What ring do you choose? And having chosen the ring,  what finger do you  wear it on? What, if any, is the meaning of these choices? Here is an attempt  to offer a simplified but helpful guide to the understanding of this  little-understood subject.
 Rings and the stones in them are symbols in themselves with particular  significance and power. We will address that topic soon in another article on this  site.
 However here we want to talk about the significance, symbolism and meaning  of where we place the ring, on which finger, right hand or left. and what is the  significance, symbolism and meaning of any given choice.
  The placement of a ring on any finger may be seen as a kind of filter. We  could say that the particular finger has certain innate qualities which the ring  will qualify, enhancing, channeling or diminishing those natural qualities. Thus  when we place a ring on any given finger we would do well to understand how  we are filtering the inherent qualities so vital to our well-being, our self- expression, our emotions and our thoughts.  

Right and Left Hands

* For Left-Handed People the Following will be Opposite

Feb 14, 2012

High Price and High Quality Chocolate

Sepertinya belum selesai nih satu hari ini yang kita kenal dengan hari Valentine atau dalam bahasa Indonesia nya 
hari Kasih Sayang ini
Tentunya semua orang di dunia tahu kalau Valentines day itu selau identik dengan coklat dalam mengekspresikan perasaan seseorang kepada mereka yang disayang

Nah kali ini firda akan memberi sedikit informasi tentang beberapa coklat di dunia yang udah terkenal enak plus terkenal mahal
Ya iya doooonnggg,,, kan Kualitas Menentukan Segalanya xoxoxoxoxo

Let's start

Cokelat ini diciptakan oleh Fritz Knipschildt, seorang juru masak yang belajar kuliner di Denmark. Harganya US$ 2.600 (sekitar Rp 26 juta) per 450 gram dan bisa ditemukan di Norwalk, Connecticut. Cokelat ini dihargai US$ 250 (sekitar Rp 2,5 juta) per buah untuk dark chocolate truffle. Truffle terdiri dari 70 persen Valhrona kakao yang dicampur dengan Ganache lembut dan minyak truffle buatan tangan. 

Diciptakan Noka Vintages Collection. Noka merupakan kompilasi terbaik cokelat hitam dari perkebunan khusus di Venezuela, Pantai Gading, Trinidad dan Ekuador. Noka cokelat adalah cokelat dengan harga termahal kedua di dunia. Cokelat ini terbuat dari 75 persen kakao murni dengan campuran lain seperti mentega dan gula kakao. Harganya US$ 854 (sekitar Rp 8,5 juta) per 450 gram dan ini hanya ada di Dallas, Texas.

My Valentine's Chocolate


It's a valentines day 

Love, Love, Love,
Suki, Suki, Suki, 
Sarange, Sarange, Sarange

there's a difference I feel in this year of Valentine's day
You know what?! I got a pair of chocolate from my mommy hehheehe

I don't know she will give that to me this year. When I woke up in this morning I found two pair of chocolate in dining room
One for my sister, and one for me


I love You Mooooommmm 

Happy Valentines Day

And also I took some photos of me while with my chocolate of course

About Valentine's Day

Since today is Valentine's Day, I want to give you a little story behind what valentine's day is , that for some people is a sacred day to express love to those who loved

But then again, all of it back to yourself.

Love should not be disclosed on Valentine's Day, because love can be expressed only when and where they do not know the space and time. Love can also be disclosed to anyone, not necessarily from a lover.

OK then, let's check this out, about Valentine's history and Legends

Happy Valentine ^^

I just want to say 

Hope You Always be Loved by your people beside you

Feb 13, 2012

Yunjae in Scanlation Group

woaaahhh I'm so surprised when I read a manga in Mangafox,, its name was The Summit, I know I can't call it manga 'cuz, yeaahhh, you know it was a manga came from Korea so it called Manhwa, back to what I'm going to say about my surprised when I read it, guess what! There are some picture about Yunjae couple there ... 
here the picture

Feb 12, 2012

Tampilan Baru Twitter

siang ini kaget banget, kirain ada apa dengan twitter gue, eeehhh ternyata eh ternyata si do'i tampilannya ganti ... Menyambut valentine kali yeeee makanya dia berubah hehehehe

nah kita liat perbedaannya nih dari twitter yang dulu ke twitter yg sekarang dan liat bedanya 

tapi sebelum nya maap maap aja ni ye, tampilan twitter yang lama ini bukan punya gue sendiri, abis kan gue gak tau juga twitter bakal ganti baju 

-tampilan Twitter yg lama-

terus begini deh pas udah ganti baju si do'i 
naaahhh kalo nyang di bawah ini twitter gue sendiri xoxoxoxo

gimana niiihh??? tambah bagus kan?? *ya iyalah

pertama-pertamanya sih masih rada bingung liat menu-menu nya itu, tapi pas di explore lebih dalem lagi nii *weijeeeee bahasanyooooo * lumayan simple juga kok ...

Selamat menikmati tampilan baru dari Twitter twipppsss